Many thanks to Shelly Block for this document! Our Peleg is 5th generation here

Descendants of Hezekiah Wilcox

Generation No. 1

Descendants of Daniel Wilcox

First Generation

1. Daniel Wilcox 1 was born about 1565 in Lincolnshire, Eng 2 and was buried on 25 Nov 1605 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 1.

Documented events in his life were:

1. VR - Death; 25 Nov 1605; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 1.
1605- Danyell Willcocke was buryed the xxvth day of November

Daniel married Isabel Unknown (Wilcox) in North Elkington, Lincoln, Eng. (Isabel Unknown (Wilcox) was born about 1568 in Lincolnshire, Eng.)

Documented events in her life were:

1. VR - Marriage; 16 Nov 1606; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 1.
Married Robert [Westorn or Pastorn]

Children from this marriage were:

+ 2 M i. Edward Wilcox 3 4 was baptized on 12 Feb 1603-1604 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4 and died before 1660 in Rhode Island.
3 M ii. Thomas Wilcox 1 2 was born on 30 Nov 1589 in North Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 5 and died after 1645.

Documented events in his life were:
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Willcocke was baptized the twentith day of November

2. VR - Birth of Child; Bef 24 May 1635; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 1. 1635 -
Susan the daughter of Thomas & Susan Wilcocke was bapt. May:24

3. VR - Birth of Child; Bef 8 Apr 1638; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 1. 1638 -
Susan [the second of that name] the daughter of Thomas Willcocke & Susan his wife was baptized the 8th of Aprill.

4. VR - Birth of Child; Bef 27 Apr 1645; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 1. 1645 -
Edward the sonne of Tho: Willcock & Susan his wife was bapt. the 27th of Aprill.

4 F iii. Anne Wilcox 2 4 was baptized on 1 Mar 1591/92 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4 and was buried on 30 Sep 1593 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.

Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 1 Mar 1591/92; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.
1591/2 - Anne ye Daughter of Daniell Wilcock baptised ye first of March.
2. VR - Death; 30 Sep 1593; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4. 1593 - Anne
the Daughter of Danyell Willcocke was buried ye xxx daye of September

5 F iv. Ellen Wilcox 2 4 was born on 1 Sep 1584 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4 5 and was buried on 23 Apr 1599 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.

Documented events in her life were:

1. CR - Baptism; 1 Sep 1594; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.
1594 - Ellen ye Doughter of Daniell Wilcok baptised ye first of September

2. VR - Death; 23 Apr 1599; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.
1599 - Ellinge the daughter of Danniell Wylcoke was buried the
xxiith of Aprill

6 F v. Alis Wilcox 2 4 was born about 1595 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng and was buried on 20 May 1597 in South Elkington,

Lincoln, Eng 4.
Documented events in her life were:

1. VR - Death; 20 May 1597; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.
1597 - Alis ye daughter of Daniel Wilcoke was buried the xxth day of Maye.

7 F vi. Margaret Wilcox 4 was baptized in Nov 1597 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4 and was buried on 6 Nov 1597 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.

Documented events in her life were:

1. CR - Baptism; 4 Nov 1597; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.
1597 - Margret ye Doughter of Danel Wilcocke was baptised
the [fourth?] day of November.
2. VR - Death; 6 Nov 1597; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.
Margret ye [illegible] of Daniell Wilcoke was buried the [vith?] day of November

8 F vii. Francis Wilcox 4 5 was baptized on 20 Dec 1598 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.

Documented events in her life were:
1. CR - Baptism; 20 Dec 1598; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.
ffracis the daughter of daniell Wylcoke was baptised the xxth daye of december

9 M viii. John Wilcox 4 was baptized on 8 Aug 1602 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4 and was buried on 29 Nov 1602 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.

Documented events in his life were:

1. CR - Baptism; 8 Aug 1602; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4. 1602 -
Jon the son of Danyell Wilcock baptized the
viiith daye of August
2. VR - Death; 29 Nov 1602; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.1602 -
John the sone fo Danyell Wilcock was Buryed the
xxixth November

Second Generation (Children)

2. Edward Wilcox 3 4 (Daniel1) was baptized on 12 Feb 1603-1604 in South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4 and died before 1660 in Rhode Island.

Documented events in his life were:

1. CR - Baptism; 12 Feb 1603/04; South Elkington, Lincoln, Eng 4.
Edward the son of Danyell Wylcock was Baptised the xiith of ffebruary
2. VR - Death of Spouse; Bef 27 Jun 1630; Croft, Lincoln, ENG
1. 1630 - Marye the wyfe of Edward Wilcoxe was buried the xxvijte Day of June
3. VR - Death of Child; Bef 27 Sep 1630; Croft,
Lincoln, ENG 1. 1630 - Daniell Wilcoxe a [blotted & illegible] sonne of Edward Wilcoxe
was buried the same day being xxijth of September
4. VR - Birth of Child; 4 Mar 1632/33; Croft,
Lincoln, ENG 1. 1632/3 - Daniell the sonne of
Edward Wilcoxe was christened the fourthe Day of March
5. VR - Birth of Child; Bef 26 Dec 1634; Croft,
Lincoln, ENG 1. 1634 - Stephen ye son of Edward Willcocke & Susanna
his wife bapt Decem: 26th
6. Emigrant Ancestor; After 1630.

Edward married Susanna Thompson 1, daughter of Amos Thompson and Carynthapuch Jackson, on 12 May 1631 in Orby, Lincoln, Eng 1. (Susanna Thompson was baptized on 6 Sep 1607 in Orby, Lincoln, Eng 1.)
Documented events in her life were:

1. CR - Baptism; 6 Sep 1607; Orby, Lincoln, Eng 1. Documented events in their marriage were: 1. VR - Marriage; 12 May 1631; Orby, Lincoln, Eng 6.
Children from this marriage were:

+ 10 M i. Stephen Wilcox 1 was baptized on 26 Dec 1634 in Croft, Lincoln, ENG 1 and died about 1690 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI. 11 M ii. Daniel Wilcox 1 2 was baptized on 4 Mar 1632/33 in Croft, Lincoln, ENG 1 and died on 2 Jul 1702 in Tiverton, Bristol Co., MA 8.
Documented events in his life were:

1. CR - Baptism; 23 Jun 1630; Croft, Lincoln, ENG 1. 1630 - Daniell Wilcoxe sonne of Edward Wilcoxe was christened the xxiiith day of June 2. Lands Recorded - Sold; 13 Apr 1660; Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI 1. Daniel sold to John Briggs land on the east side of Portsmouth that had belonged to "my father Edward Wilcox" [Portsmouth Deeds, 1:16]

Third Generation (Grandchildren)

10. Stephen Wilcox 1 (Edward2, Daniel1) was baptized on 26 Dec 1634 in Croft, Lincoln, ENG 1 and died about 1690 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI.
Documented events in his life were:

1. CR - Baptism; 26 Dec 1634; Orby, Lincoln, Eng 1. Baptized on St. Stephen's Day 2. Colony Office; 1670; Rhode Island 8. Served as Representative 3. Colony Office; 1672; Westerly, Washington Co., RI 8. Served as Representative 4. Lands Recorded - Granted; 10 Dec 1657; Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI 8. Received a grant of land with Thomas Kent at 2s per acre 5. Lands Recorded - Gifted; 30 Jan 1657/58; Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI 8. Received a deed for 34 acres from Thomas Hazard as dower for the latter's daughter Hannah. 6. Residence; 18 May 1669; Westerly, Washington Co., RI 8. Listed among the inhabitants of the town. 7. Lands Recorded; 21 Jun 1670; Stonington, New London, CT 8. He was complained of, with his partakers, by John Richards, Treasurer of Harvard College, for unjustly possessing 500 acres in Pequot country, east side of the Pawcatuck River, within the bounds of Stonington. 8. Colony Office; Bet 1670-1672; Westerly, Washington Co., RI 8. Served as Deputy 9. VR - Death; Bef 6 Feb 1689/90; Westerly, Washington Co., RI 8. Mentioned as of 6 Feb 1690 as lately deceased. Stephen married Hannah Hazard 9, daughter of Thomas Hazard and Martha Potter, on 30 Jan 1657-1658 in Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI 7. (Hannah Hazard was born on 10 Jul 1637 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA 9 and died in 1685.)
Documented events in her life were:

1. VR - Birth; 10 Jul 1637; Boston, Suffolk Co., MA 10. 2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 13 Nov 1676; Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI 11. Legacy of 1 shilling in her father's will, probably due to her objections to his marriage to Martha Sheriff. Named as Hannah Wilcox.
Children from this marriage were:

+ 12 M i. Thomas Wilcox 2 was born on 18 Feb 1663/64 in North Kingston, RI and died in 1728 in Exeter, Washington Co., RI. 13 F ii. Bethia Wilcox 2 was born about 1659 in Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI and died after 17 Dec 1711 in Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. 14 M iii. Edward Wilcox 2 was born in 1662 in Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI and died on 5 Nov 1715 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI.
Documented events in his life were:

1. VR - Marriage; 1 May 1698; Westerly, Washington Co., RI 12. Married Tamson Thompson. [is this the Tamzen Stevens from other sources?] Marriage performed by Elder Samuel Danforth. 15 M iv. Daniel Wilcox 2 was born about 1666 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI and died after 1717 in Stonington, New London, CT. 16 M v. William Wilcox 2 was born about 1668 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI and died on 27 Dec 1757 in North Stonington, New London Co., CT. 17 M vi. Stephen Wilcox 2 was born about 1670 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI. 18 F vii. Hannah Wilcox 2 was born about 1672 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI and died in Newport, Newport Co., RI. 19 M viii. Jeremiah Wilcox 2 was born between 1675-1680 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI.

Fourth Generation (Great Grandchildren)

12. Thomas Wilcox 2 (Stephen10, Edward2, Daniel1) was born on 18 Feb 1663/64 in North Kingston, RI and died in 1728 in Exeter, Washington Co., RI. Thomas married Martha Hazard 11, daughter of Robert Hazard and Mary Brownell, in Westerly, Washington Co., RI 2. (Martha Hazard was born about 1668 in Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI 2 and died in 1753 in Exeter, Washington Co., RI 2 11.)
Children from this marriage were:

+ 20 M i. Edward Wilcox 13 was born about 1709 in Exeter, Washington Co., RI. 21 F ii. Hannah Wilcox was born on 4 Oct 1689 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI 14. 22 M iii. Stephen Wilcox was born in Westerly, Washington Co., RI 14. 23 M iv. Thomas Wilcox was born on 24 Oct 1693. 24 M v. Robert Wilcox 15 was born about 1695. 25 M vi. Jeffrey Wilcox was born about 1698. 26 M vii. Abraham Wilcox 15 was born in 1703 in Exeter, Washington Co., RI 14. 27 F viii. Martha Wilcox 15. 28 M ix. George Wilcox 15.

Fifth Generation (Great Great Grandchildren)

20. Edward Wilcox 13 (Thomas12, Stephen10, Edward2, Daniel1) was born about 1709 in Exeter, Washington Co., RI.

Documented events in his life were:

1. Residence; 18 May 1669; Westerly, Washington Co., RI 16. Listed among the Free Inhabitants of the town of Westerly. Edward married Esther Unknown (Wilcox) on 5 Jan 1738/39 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI 12. (Esther Unknown (Wilcox) was born about 1720 in Rhode Island.)
Documented events in their marriage were: 1. VR - Marriage; Westerly, Washington Co., RI 12. Marriage performed by Thomas Hern, Justice. Edward is referred to as 'of Stonington'
Children from this marriage were: + 29 M i. Pvt Matthew Wilcox was born in 1751 in Richmond, Washington Co., RI, died on 2 Nov 1833 in Pompey, Ononodaga Co., NY and was buried in Jamesville Cemetery, Dewitt, Onondaga Co., NY. 30 M ii. Stephen Wilcox was born in 1743 in Washington Co, RI. 31 M iii. Sheffield Wilcox was born on 2 Apr 1746 in Rhode Island. 32 M iv. Francis Wilcox was born in 1748 in Rhode Island and died in 1847 in Homer, Cortland Co., NY 15. 33 M v. Edward Wilcox was born about 1754 in Stonington, New London, CT. 34 M vi. Peleg Wilcox was born in 1756 in Rhode Island. 35 M vii. John Wilcox was born in 1757 in Rhode Island. 36 M viii. Job Wilcox was born in 1758 in Rhode Island. 37 M ix. Thomas Wilcox was born in 1760 in Rhode Island. 38 M x. Robert Wilcox was born in 1762 in Rhode Island. 39 F xi. Hannah Wilcox was born on 3 Apr 1764 in Rhode Island.